Derecho internacional privado arellano garcia pdf
Derecho internacional privado arellano garcia pdf

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Consequently, it appears that the establishment of a hierarchy between domestic and international tribunals is not utopic but an ongoing trend in their judicial practice. Both domestic and international tribunals have already used hierarchical tools when faced with the regulation of their relationships. Finally, hierarchy is a strong incentive for the observance of equality before the law of the actors in judicial proceedings. It also fosters the uniformity and predictability in the application and interpretation of the same body of legal rules by many different tribunals. Hierarchy is a strong mechanism that permits the efficient enforcement of judicial decisions and the avoidance of all types of conflicts between the judicial organs operating within a legal order. However, it is possible and desirable to envisage hierarchy between domestic and international tribunals. The establishment of a formal hierarchy between domestic and international tribunals has traditionally been a “taboo” for international legal scholars and operators of the domestic and international legal systems.

Derecho internacional privado arellano garcia pdf